Fishing and hiking the main attractions at Round Pond
Round Pond is not far from Lopstick, and known to be a fine place to fish for Eastern Brook Trout. It is described as a handsome body of water with cabins along one section of the shoreline. According to the “Cohos Trail Guide,” Round Pond sits in a natural bowl created by Mt. Covell’s horseshoe elevations.
There is a hiking trail associated with Round Pond. Parking for the southwestern trailhead for the Round Pond Brook Trail is on the eastern side of Round Pond. To get to the southwestern trailhead, take Route 3 north, from Lopstick. At Round Pond Road, at mile marker 228.5, go left and drive for 1.4 miles. The trail is on the north side of Round Pond Brook and is marked by yellow blazes.
Directions to Round Pond
Take Route 3 north for a little more than a mile to Round Pond Road. This is the second left turn north of Lopstick. There is a flat rock facing Route 3 with the road name on it. Take Round Pond Road to where the road forks and then bear right. The unimproved boat launch is about a quarter mile ahead, on the left.
Vital Statistics
Surface Elevation 1,905 feet
Area 59 acres
Location Pittsburg
Approximate Coordinates 71°16'0"W; 45°7'30"N
Maximum Depth 20 feet
Eastern brook trout inhabit Round Pond. The season runs from the fourth Saturday in April to October 15.The limit on Eastern brook trout is five fish or five pounds, whichever comes first.
Suggested flies
Blue Winged Olive
Wooly Buggers
Blue Duns
Parking, a boat launch and a moderately easy trail.