Popular with anglers, Boundary Pond is the very definition of the words “remote” and “pristine.” Surrounded by forest and off the beaten path, this quintessential 20-acre trout pond delivers. It is a stunning beauty and it offers up some unforgettable fishing and exploration. Bull moose have been spotted at the northern end of the pond. There is a dam at the southeastern end and water flows naturally in that direction. Double-check driving directions before you head out, and check with Lopstick to see if there’s a boat at the site that you can use.
From Route 3 north, go right at East Inlet Road. After the bridge, bear right and drive approximately 10 miles on a logging road. You’ll pass a beaver pond on the left. Take the next left at Boundary Pond Road and drive one mile uphill. This spur road to the parking lot may not be marked. Park in the small lot and take the path behind the boulders. Walk in the last quarter mile.
Vital Statistics
Area 20 acres
Location The northern tip of the pond cozies up to the Pittsburg NH/Quebec border.
GPS Approximate — 71°6'30"W; 45°17'0"N
Average Depth Depths are not listed on the bathymetry map.
Maximum Depth Depths are not listed on the bathymetry map.
Fly fishing only. The limit is five Eastern brook trout or five pounds, whichever comes first.
The fishing season runs from the fourth Saturday in April till October 15.
Flies recommended by the NH Connecticut Lakes Region:
Griffith’s Gnat
CDC Caddis
Soft Hackles
Wooly Buggers
Pheasant Tail Nymphs
Canoeing and kayaking; photography, picnicking, birdwatching
Check in at Lopstick for boat rentals.