Best sunsets ever!
There’s a lot happening at and around spring-fed Back Lake, from boating to fishing to cycling. People live along some parts of the shoreline, which gives this lake a special feel of fun, neighborliness, cookouts and, of course, fishing. For guests of Lopstick, Back Lake’s main attraction is fishing. Secondly, the Rainbow Grille and Tavern offer good food though reservations for the dining room, made well in advance, are recommended. Sunset over Back Lake is highly touted, and well worth a look.
Vital Statistics
Surface Elevation 1,575 feet
Area 348 acres
Lenght 1.4 miles
Width 3,168 feet
Inflow various cold water springs
Outflow Back Lake Brook
Location Five miles north of Pittsburg Village
GPS 45°04′49″N 71°21′07″W
Average Depth 7 feet
Maximum Depth 15 feet
Fish for brook trout, rainbow trout and brown trout in Back Lake. The season begins on the fourth Saturday of April and runs through October 15. The daily limit is five fish or five pounds, whichever comes first, with no length limit.
Fish for smallmouth Bass starting April 1. There is a two-fish limit from April 1 to May 14. From May 15 to June 15, catch and release with flies or artificial lures only. From June 16 to June 30, there is a two-fish limit. Beginning July 1, the daily limit is five fish or five pounds, whichever comes first, with no length limit.
Fish found in Back Lake: Brown Bullhead, Brown Trout, Eastern Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout
Boat Launches
There are two boat launches:
Look for a gravel boat launch on Spooner Road. Use this launch for boats on trailers. Parking is limited.
On Beach Road, you’ll find a launch for car-top watercraft like kayaks and canoes. There’s also a picnic area and small beach area for swimming. Parking is limited.
Paddling, boating, swimming, fishing. Motorboats may not exceed 10 mph except between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. daily, east of a line running from Washburn’s Camp on the south to the New Hampshire Guide’s lot on the north.
Boat launches, beach for swimming